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Burés Marmolinas are natural, live-edged marble stones suitable for outdoor decoration in gardens and planters. They can be used as an element in interior decoration.
Crushed pink marble gravel due to the addition of the corresponding colorant in the manufacturing process.
It is ideal for decorating containers and flowerpots, garden objects and other elements, providing a personalized and different touch in the garden.
It comes in the following particle size formats and sizes:
-"Big Bag" format: 10-15 and 15-25 mm in diameter.
- Served in Bulk: 10-15 and 15-25 mm in diameter.
-"Big Bag" format: 10-15 and 15-25 mm in diameter.
- Served in Bulk: 10-15 and 15-25 mm in diameter.
Format / Sizing:
Granel BIG BAG
10/15 10/15
Ref: B12362 Ref: B12985
Granel BIG BAG
15/25 15/25
Ref: B12363 Ref: B12963
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