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The organic humic organic amendment ENERVIT ORGANICO is a compost of animal and vegetable origin, which applied to the surface layer of the soil improves its physical and chemical properties. It is widely recognized in the agricultural sector for its rapid assimilation of nutrients by the crop, improving soil structure and harvest performance.
ENERVIT ORGÁNICO POLVO is registered in the Fertilizer Registry according to Royal Decree 506/2013 with No. F0001009 / 2019.
ENERVIT ORGÁNICO PELLET is registered in the Fertilizer Registry according to Royal Decree 506/2013 with No. F0001168 / 2019.
ENERVIT ORGÁNICO is an organic humic amendment with a grain size of less than 10mm. The product is obtained through aerobic composting and with biological stabilization of the material by temperature, by which pathogenic microorganisms and phytotoxic substances are eliminated. The use of stabilized organic matter in a compost to use it as a fertilizer implies an improvement in the physical-chemical properties of the soil, specifically in improving its apparent density and stabilizing the carbon / nitrogen ratio (C / N).
It is recommended to apply ENERVIT to the ground, distributing it on the surface, in a sparse way, and then carry out a work of incorporation at a depth of 7-10 cm.
Very dark chestnut color, medium grain size.
Format / Sizing:
Ref: P03970_POLVO
Ref: P03980_PELLET
25kg bag
Ref: P03981_PELLET
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