Pine bark selected, crushed and screened. Mixed with the substrate, it allows soil aeration while improving drainage and preventing rapid evaporation of water.
Medium-sized pine bark undergoing a controlled composting process. The microorganisms in Roldó prevent fungal diseases and have agents that promote plant growth.
ECOBOSC is a compound 100% vegetable, formulated from natural materials like the barks of pine, heath, pinnace, leaf litter, etc. subjected at a process of composting controlled. It’s certified as an input suitable for ecological agriculture.
ECORGAN humic organic amendment is a product with a high amount of organic matter and total humic extract. It improves soil structure, participating in the physical-chemical processes and providing adequate nutrition to the culture. This compost designed for extensive use, replaces the contribution of slurry and manure improving the stability of the elements of the […]
MARRO DE CAFÉ is a product with an important organic and fertilizing richness, especially indicated in the agriculture, fruit growing, landscaping and large green areas. This product represents an economic and quality alternative to the organic amendments currently existing in the market. COMPOSITION COFFEE MARRO is obtained from the manufacture of soluble coffee, in the […]
Natural volcanic gravel subjected to a subsequent heating and cooling process abruptly, and crushed to obtain gravel.